Monday, January 17, 2022

A tribute to a Female Beauty!


Photo credit Pairedlife/Wikyhow
Dear Ladies a tribute to your beauty in 2022.
A touch of etiquette Please (carefully) take a seat!
Sitting is like to be in a neighbodood watch,
or preventing forest fires.Be aware of wath you’re wearing and what gets exposed
when you take a seat in the cafeteria or the underground.The trick is to keep a
barrier between your lady parts and the outside world!
Always smile and be graceful
Don't Sit with your feet and knees side by side.
Don't Fidget. It's best to stay still and focused.
Don't Slouch: You're a lady, not a child.
Don't hang your arms over the back of your chair.
If your legs are heavy, always cross them at the ankles and not at the knees.
Sitting like a lady is applying to every women!
Been classy is about more than knitting mittens and sayng please and thank you. Fashion and stylists help us, one season after another, they push their creativity towards elegant and wearable shapes, proposing different sizes, colors and patterns every year, it is a huge effort.All this will help us to wear the clothes suitable for us. To be able to choose what suits us best, and then cross your legs with the style and dress that suits us, like a classy lady.If you have doubts about what to wear, do not hesitate to contact a Fashion Stylist, also via WEB.You can stay confortably at home and trough the video you can canghe your look..We offer styling online, Wherever you are, you just need an Internet connection!


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